One of the few exciting things that has happened this week is that I got to take Louki to the ER because she sprained her foot and may or may not have additionally infected it. It was basically very exciting, because I got to be a medical translator, a job which I have no qualifications for whatsoever! Also, I have no idea why Japanese doctors are incapable of using language normal human beings can understand. They could just say, "You sprained your foot and it might be infected," but instead they have to use words longer than I am, that obviously I can't understand in Japanese and then I have to translate the Japanese words to English and then the English words to real English. VERY FRUSTRATING. It has given me great respect for the American doctors who just tell you what is wrong without using insanely complicated words.
The weather here has been alternating between gorgeous but so humid you feel gross again the minute you're out of the shower and rainy/miserable. It's too bad that the actually decent weather at the beginning of April only lasted about two weeks... Perhaps I am spoiled by California's weather (okay, I am spoiled, but that's beside the point), but I kind of like my seasons to be, you know, SEASONS. In Japan it feels like fall lasted for about three or four weeks and spring-ish weather will last for maybe a month total, if you count the gross humidity as spring-ish. That means you have TWO MONTHS of nice weather, and the rest of the time it's too cold or it's oh gods I wish I could strip my skin off hot. (I am really not looking forward to summer. At all. AT ALL.) UNACCEPTABLE.
On a final and completely unrelated note, I
*If for some reason you are unaware of the implications of May fourth, here.
**Is "whilst" a word real people use anymore? According to certain people, chunks of my vocabulary can only be found in 1960's sitcoms. I don't think "whilst" is a 1960's sitcom word, though.
****I'm currently at 2. Shannon somehow managed to pick up the TARDIS and carry it around. Don't ask me how she managed this. I think she's secretly a Timelord.*****
*****What do you mean "Timelord" and "TARDIS" aren't words, spell check????
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